㉓ら SAPIX サピックス 6年 理科 ポイントチェック ディリーステップ浜学園 小4 最新版 2023年 Vクラス 復習テスト 国語・算数・国語・理科裁断済み 2022代ゼミ 富田一彦 英語解法研究テキスト【線引き済】令和年度版 一級建築士 法令集 TACアガルート2022重要問題習得講座
This title's practical and applicable information makes it a perfect clinical resource for the practicing neurologist. While it is not a case-based text - it focuses more on common problems and chronic problems that require long-term management - it provides guidelines and pathways through the decision-making process that prove invaluable in practice. With an expanded section on multiple sclerosis, updated and revised information in nearly every section, and decision-approach summary tables at the beginning of every chapter, the second edition promises to stay in the limelight as the definitive text for outpatient neurologists and internists.
Features contributions from more than 200 authors, representing a wide spectrum of specialists in neurology and related fields.
Covers the major problems that any practicing neurologist might encounter, including those that may be rare.