Reminder: Tonight (6/17/15) we’re looking for new moon to determine start of #Ramadan.
Based on confirmed moon sighting reports, Stamford Islamic Center will announce on Wednesday evening (June 17th), if the blessed month of Ramadan will start on Thursday (June 18th) or Friday (June 19th) inn-sha-Allah.
Please join brothers and sisters of SIC community tonight for a get together. Dr. Haqqani Mian Qadri (Imam SIC) will speak to the significance of the month of Sha’baan and prepare us for the upcoming month of Ramadan.
“Holy Journey of the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him)” Saturday, May 16, 2015 After Maghrib Prayer Speech by Dr. Hafiz Haqqani Mian Qadri Stamford Islamic Center 10 Outlook Street Stamford, CT 06902 Dinner will be served after the program. To get updates through SMS: text…
Assalam-o-Alaikum brothers and sisters, we are glad to launch this new website for Stamford Islamic Center. The new design is mobile friendly and easier to update. Please visit our social network pages to also get the most up to date information and announcements related to the center.